Bacalar Chico 440 Ft of Beach Frontage 38 Acres

Bacalar Chico 440 Ft of Beach Frontage 38 Acres
For Sale $800,000 USD - Undeveloped Land
0770 440 Feet of Beachfront 2600 Feet of Depth

Bacalar Chico 440 Ft of Beach Frontage is a white sandy beachfront acreage with coconut trees, two miles South of Boca Bacalar Chico. This area is relatively remote and offers a pristine natural landscape. Prices in this area are increasing as the path of progress forges in this direction. This is perfect for investment and sure to appreciate over time.

This property is approximately 38 acres total in size, with 440 feet of beach frontage and 2,600 feet of depth.

Bacalar Chico is located 20 miles North of San Pedro Town,  the property lies within the Bacalar Chico National Park and Marine Reserve, a recognized UNESCO World Heritage Site. The world’s second-longest barrier reef is less than a half mile offshore and the surrounding region is home to Maya archaeological sites, sea turtle nesting grounds, and a dazzling abundance of flora and fauna.

Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve

Description:   Bacalar Chico is a marine reserve on the northern end Ambergris Caye, with a combined area including a 15,530 acre marine reserve and 12,000 acres of terrestrial reserve.  This UNESCO World Heritage site is only accessible by boat.  The park was established on August 23, 1996. Bacalar Chico is a reserve on the northern part of Ambergris Caye that includes reef as well as land. This is the only point where the barrier reef touches mainland Belize.   The park includes extensive mangrove lagoons, which is a breeding ground for reef fish, not to mention marine and coastal birds. The beaches, serve as a major nesting ground for the Loggerhead and Green Turtles.  At least 187 species of bird, forty mammals (including all five of Belize’s cats), fifty-eight reptiles, and twenty-two amphibian species inhabit this area.

The reef lagoon has extensive sea grass beds and patch reefs. The fore reef has high relic spur-and-grove for- mations and a double reef crest in the north. It is a luxuriant portion of the second largest barrier reef in the world and is noted for its deep water conch population, and spawning ground at Rocky Point for Nassau and Yellow- fin Groupers.

The objectives of the Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve are: to ensure the health of the fishery stock, regulate water sports, conduct monitoring and assist in research. provide job opportunities to tour guides and a venue for recreational activities, prohibit illegal fishing and to deter other illegal activities which may be detrimental to the health of the flora and fauna.

This reserve is situated on the northern most tip of Ambergris Caye and is only accessible by boat. The region encompasses intraisland lagoons, mud flats, sink holes, mangroves forests, savannahs, semideciduous forest and is home to many different animals. There are about eight different Mayan sites in the Bacalar Chico area two of which, San Juan and Chac- balam) have been partially excavated and have been made somewhat accessible by trails. Bacalar Chico Rangers are presently working on establishing an eco-tour of the reserve in order to generate funds to help with the upkeep of the reserve, to provide business opportunities for tour guides in San Pedro and on the mainland and to educate the public about the reserve.

Patches of dwarf red mangrove (dwarf because of the lack of phosphate in the soil in certain areas), white and black mangrove line the channel. Traveling along the channel east to west Mexican mangroves are on the left and Belizean mangroves are on the right. The boat ride although slow. is great for bird watching. Great blue herons, white ibis, egrets and other magnificent birds are commonly sighted along the channel. One inlet along the Bacalar channel leads to the “seven positas” or seven little pools. These “positas” are seven holes that lead into one great cavern. The area is ideal for snorklers and divers. Snapper, Needle fish and southern sting rays are plentiful.

The second inlet along the channel leads into the Bacalar Chico Lagoon, through Rio de Cantena and then into Laguna de Cantena. The Bacalar Chico channel leads out into the sea to the Barrier Reef. On the front side of the reserve is the Bacalar Chico station that was built by Raleigh International. The station is situated only about 8 minutes away from X’calak.  The park’s northern boundary is the Bacalar Chico channel, a narrow, mangrove-lined canal, dug and cleared by the Maya to avoid a long journey around the southern tip of the caye. Mexico, on the other bank, is so close that if you’re in a boat you can almost touch the mangroves on either side. 

  To the Mayan, Bacalar Chico was an important trading port and is believed that some fifteen hundred years ago, they dug this  narrow channel separating Ambergris Caye from Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.  The Bacalar Chio channel functions as the park’s northern boundary and narrowly separates Belize from Mexico.  This “channel,” sometimes referred to as a “cut,” was hand dug by the Mayans over 1,500 years ago. 

*Please note pictures are of the general area – New Pictures Coming Soon!*

Property Map